Calling All People

of Faith Who Feel 

Called to Share

Their Story!

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You're not looking to get rich or famous.

You just want to be faithful with this calling you’ve felt 

God prompting in your heart to...

Honor Him with your intentional obedience to see how He plans to use you 

Impact others with the hope, comfort, and inspiration that your story brings 

Be open to how God might use your story to bring healing, encouragement, and hope to you

Called to Proclaim is specifically designed to help people of faith who feel called to share their story overcome every obstacle so they can impact others by letting their message shine.

But are you good enough?

God has called you to share your story, but you have no idea how, where, or with who. And let’s be honest, you’ve spent hours wondering, “Who am I to share my story when there are so many people more qualified than me?” 

On top of that, you don’t know if you’re a good enough writer or speaker or storyteller to do His call justice! What if you mess it up? What if it’s a flop? Where do you even begin? How much of you will it require (time, energy, finances, resources, etc)? 

You have this nagging Holy Spirit conviction to do something with your story (hope as you might that He just forgets He asked you… I know, I’ve been there!) 

It’s no wonder you haven’t made progress! This is daunting!

I know that insecurity because it was me.

After personally journaling my experience around the murder of my mother-in-law for years, I heard God’s still quiet (yet uncomfortable) voice say, “Marcy, it’s time to share this with the world.” 

I was scared. 

One family member had already expressed anger that I’d kept personal journals about my experience. Imagine telling her I was going to make them public! 
What if I’d heard God wrong and make a fool of myself? What if my audience hates it? What if loved ones cut me off? How will I even do the story justice anyway? Do I have what it takes?

I decided forward movement wasn’t disobedience, even if it was really slow. Eventually, there was nothing left to do, so I decided to give it one more good readthrough. And maybe another one after that. 

“Marcy,” that voice lovingly chided. “You’re choosing to please people instead of trusting Me by stalling. You’re choosing your reputation over Me.” 

He wasn’t wrong. I cried. I asked for forgiveness. And I hit publish. 

And I’m so glad I did. 

I woke up to this message:

“Marcy, I just finished reading your book. I’ve been in bed for months, deeply depressed and contemplating taking my own life. While reading your book I realized that if you could survive that, well, I can get out of bed and get dressed. Losing my husband of 40 years, my mild stroke earlier this year, and a big move left me vulnerable to some recent hurtful circumstances, which—after all—are NOTHING in the great scheme of things. I needed to read this message just when I did and be reminded that life is not over, but I can be strengthened and renewed in spirit, body, soul, and mind.”

My faithful, scary yes… saved a life.

You have no idea how God plans to use your story, but He will. You just need to say a faithful, terrified “Yes” and He will orchestrate the rest. 

With the support of this program, you will have your story in the world, changing lives just like that one.

Friend, if you’ve tried mustering all of your willpower and know-how and you still haven’t had the courage to fulfill God's calling in your life, then you’re about to see mountains moved. Together we can overcome every obstacle between you and impacting others by getting your story into the world.

By the end of this program, you'll have

  • told your first or next story in just the way God has called you to, 
  • changed the lives of actual humans with His message through you, 
  • grown, healed, and strengthened your own faith journey, and 
  • gathered a bank of story ideas to pull from to further impact others with the multiple messages He’s given you.

Marcy Pusey, CRC, CTRP, is the founder of Miramare Ponte Press, a best-selling, award-winning author, international speaker, story coach, book editor, and mommy to 4 humans and 4 fur babies (not least of all). She has been featured on numerous platforms & stages, including publishing 18+ books for children & adults. She's taken her message twice to the TEDx stage, with ongoing invitations to share her ideas from the TEDx platform.

Marcy does her best writing on retreats with a nearby hot tub, in any castle, or within view of the sea. 

She now takes years of experience as a storyteller to guide people through getting their own stories into the world through editing and critiquing, consulting, done-4-you services, and story coaching.

People Who've Worked 

With Marcy Say...

"Marcy is a great encourager. I was having doubts that I could do this, but she was there with me to say keep going. In fact, she said in our last call, 'Don't quit.' I said, 'Marcy, that’s the name of my book!' It was confirmation enough for me that I'm in God's will writing this book.” 

- Claire Jackman

""Marcy builds my confidence and encourages me to trust my instincts. That is huge for a newbie. She has specific answers and guidance when needed. I panicked and might have given up when I was struggling last week, but her email gave me clarity and encouragement. I'm back on track and feeling better than ever about the project.”

- Denise Anderson

"Thank you once again for all your wonderful book coaching. As you know, in the beginning, my only focus was to launch the book that the Holy Spirit kept encouraging me to write and publish. I wanted to leave my book as a legacy. After incubating the book for 20 years, I finally completed the project. With your help, "The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert" has held its bestseller status for almost 4 months now. 1520 copies have been sold...

I am very grateful to you, Marcy. I couldn't have done it without you.”

- Benita Esposito

You're being given the opportunity to change lives with your own story

I’m going to be blunt... 

God has placed this on your heart. If you’re choosing to sit on it and keep it to yourself, you’re not advancing God’s will or allowing people to be transformed and impacted by your journey and transformation. 

I know what it feels like to be stuck staring the call of God in the face, overwhelmed by how much of His invitation is outside of my comfort zone, skill set, and the overall realm of possibility. 

But you know what else is uncomfortable? Missing out. Missing out on the joy of joining a tender, loving God who equips everyone He calls into friendship and partnership. 

Your fear and insecurity have nothing on the value of the life-changing impact He invites you into.

Take my hand and let's say yes together.

Now It's Up To You.

You can no longer say that you can’t do what you’ve been called to do because everything between you and getting your story into the world is resolved with me in this program.

You can either continue down the path you’ve been on with an untold story trapped behind insecurity and fear.

Or you can choose the scary Yes.

To step faithfully into your calling, you’re going to have to do something different - make a new choice and pursue your new outcome. 

Choose your best-fit option below, click to fill out the order form, and step into the sacred space of Yes to God’s invitation to partner your story and His glory to impact the world.

What's Included?

One Year Access to the Called to Proclaim Course: A 5-stage journey to take you from where you are today to confidently crafting your engaging [first] story and actually putting it into the world. 

Monthly Group Coaching/Q&A: Regular live group coaching and ask-me-anything sessions to make sure you’re on the right track. Recordings will be available if you can’t attend live. 

One 30-minute 1:1 Story Coaching Call with Marcy Pusey: Get help choosing, clarifying, refining your story with 30 minutes of Marcy entirely to yourself!

One Year Access to the Stewards of Story Community: Only members of Called to Proclaim are invited to join Stewards of Story, a community with other people of faith where you can get answers, support, and inspiration from me and our SOS tribe. Details to join are below.

Telling your first (or next) greatest story is best served if you understand not only why your story matters, but why you matter. 

Equipped with your why and purpose, you will have what you need to decide what story to tell, for whom, how, and where to share your message. 

Membership Includes: 

  • One year of access to the Called to Proclaim Course
  • One year access to Stewards of Story membership community
  • Monthly group coaching and Q&A calls
  • One 30-minute 1:1 coaching call with Marcy Pusey
  • Complimentary Access to The Writer's Block
  • Option to stay in Stewards of Story for $97/month or $970/year after your included year expires 

And because I highly value the importance of knowing your purpose and calling, for anyone who joins the annual membership I'm covering your $497 cost of... 

an exclusive 2-call package: a Purpose Discovery Call and a Purpose Check-in Call through his company, Better Future International, for anyone who pays their annual fee in full.

You will leave these calls not only confident that you are the exact right person in a sea of voices to tell your story but greater than that: why you're on this planet for such a time as this. If you want the best armor for your Hero's Journey, gird yourself with purpose through this offer.

*I begged Gary Williams to offer this deal because his work has changed my life and I want to share. He does not offer this service anywhere else. 

Listen to the replay of a conversation between me and Clarity and Purpose Coach Gary Williams around the power of telling our stories, the major obstacles that get in our way, and the exact tools you need to overcome them. And get a sneak peek into why I'm so excited about Called to Proclaim.

I realize not everyone can manage the upfront cost of the yearly membership. That's why I'm giving you the option of 12 payments throughout the year.

Everything from the Elite package is included except the Clarity and Purpose package with Gary Williams.

The Annual Course + Membership Payment Plan Package Includes

  • Quarterly access to the Called to Proclaim Course
  • Quarterly access to the Stewards of Story community
  • Monthly group coaching and Q&A calls
  • A 30-minute 1:1 coaching call with Marcy Pusey
  • Complimentary Access to The Writer's Block
  • Option to stay in Stewards of Story and keep the course for $47/month or $470/year after one year

The Time Is Now!

Everything you need to overcome all of the obstacles: to know what story to tell, how to tell it, who to tell it to, where to tell it, and to do so really well, is right here.

To tell your story in just the way God has called you to, impacting people with His message through you.


  • Who is this program for?
    This program is for any person of faith who feels called by God to get their story into the world in some way. We are looking for people committed to honoring God with their story by faithfully working through mindset obstacles and the logistics, all of which we're here to hold your hand through.
  • What are the Called to Proclaim lessons like?
    There are 5 stages of multiple lessons, all geared toward helping you understand WHY your story matters, how to choose your best next story to share, how to make it AMAZING, and where to share it. Every lesson begins with a video that introduces a concept or strategy in a step-by-step way. Several lessons include downloadable resources and links to help guide you as you implement what you’ve learned.
  • How long do I have to finish?
    The course is 5 stages long at a work-at-your-own pace schedule, plus live Q&A and group coaching with Marcy. If life gets in the way, we’ve got you covered: You’ll have full, unlimited access to the course (including recordings of any live calls) — across any and all devices, for one full year (or as long as you're monthly fee is covered).
  • Do I really need the Stewards of Story community too?
    The SOS tribe is here to take what you're learning in the course and immediately get real-world feedback on your place in the process. It's full of other people of faith, just like you, who've said the "scary yes" and are pursuing their calling. God's Word calls us to sharpen one another, meet together daily, and carry each other's burdens. This community will give you access to Marcy Pusey and other SOS tribers for story coaching and answers to your personal questions. Members of the Stewards of Story community are more likely to actually get their story into the world (because of the incredible support and encouragement!)
  • What if I change my mind about telling my story?
    We're confident that you'll love the community, the content, and the journey to getting your story into the world just as you've been called to! However, if you find that the course and membership community aren't right for you, that's okay. If you're sure you'd like to cancel your annual membership, we have a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee. After that date, you can request a cancellation of your renewal for the upcoming year, but there will be no refund or a prorated refund for your annual fee. If you're sure you'd like to cancel your monthly membership, you can do so after the completion of your 12-month commitment. If you choose to cancel your monthly membership within the 12-month period, you can do so with an early termination fee.

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Join Now

Join Called to Proclaim before the doors close again soon! Choose your payment plan of one-time or 12 monthly payments:

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($2497.00)$2497.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($250.00/mnth)12x $250.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xCalled to Proclaim$0

All prices in USD